Hi! My name is Barbara. My dad has Alzheimers.
He stays in the nursing home, where I work.
As I walk the halls, I can hear
my dad's voice echo, as he speaks my name.
My dad was a good man and a hard worker.
He helped raise 6 children, 1 boy and 5 girls.
He always said, " if you can't say anything good
about someone, then don't say anything at all".
My dad loved to entertain people.
Neighbors would sit on the front porch and
listen, while daddy played guitar and would sing.
Everybody was important to him

Daddy said, "Grandpa Frazier traveled the
waterways of the Mississippi and Obion river,
bringing trade-goods to the town, where my dad grew-up.
Grandpa Frazier married a woman by the name of
they had 9+ children.


Mississippi river Hale's Point


Daddy said, " he went coon hunting with his uncle Bob one time".
He was put in charge of carrying the whisky, but
said "he got fired before the job was over."
He said, " he and the coon had a fight and the
only thing that saved him, was the coon was already
dead, before the fight started."
Its seems, daddy drunk the whisky.


Daddy said. " a daddy can always deny their kids, but the mother can't."

Daddy said, " give me my roses while I'm living, their no good to me after I'm dead."

Daddy said," you want to be a old mans little darling, than a young mans fool."

Daddy said, " people think they can do everything when they're drinking, and that's the worse time to try."

Daddy said,"him and uncle Leslie," that's daddy's brother," got into a fight."
He said," uncle Leslie got him with a haymaker in the goozle, he was to
weak to fight and too mad to quit."

Some of daddy's favorite country singers!
( these are only links, the pages belong to someone else) Patsy Cline

Hank Williams Sr

Jimmie Rodgers

Oh!!yes,"The Eagles"

Daddy even now
can play and sing "Lyin' Eyes."


This is dedicated to our Dad
and the love
we have for him!

